Path Tracing Glass Shader

Highlight :My Glass Shader is built exclusively with Unreal’s Path Tracer in mind. A great way to create realistic glass with accurate Reflections, Refractions and Translucency. Built from a single Master Master supporting several glass material options like imperfections, Normals, Bubble effect and more. Great for small close up Objects, Environments, Archvis or Automotive.

(* PT Glass Shader does NOT currently support Substrate)

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* This is not compatible with Lumen or standard Ray Tracing.

Technical Details

Features :

  •  A Single detailed and commented Master Material.
  • Cleanly Labeled Material Instances.
  •  16 x pre-Built Material instances.
  •  6 x Roughness imperfection texture (4K).
  • 6 x Normal Maps (4K).
  • 1 x Sample Level with sample objects with HDRi Environment.

Version Updates :Version 1.1

  • Added new Color Absorption options for tinting glass.
  • Added new Glacier Ice Material instance.
  • Added two new Crack Normal Map material instances.
  • Minor Fixes.

Details :(* PT Glass Shader does NOT currently support Substrate)

Number of Unique Materials and Material Instances: 1 Master, 20 Instances

Number of Textures: 6 Imperfections, 9 Normals

Texture Resolutions: 4K

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: (Yes)


Important/Additional Notes:

  • Sample Level Requires HDRI Plugin to be enabled.
  • This is not compatible with Lumen or standard Ray Tracing. Path tracer only which requires Ray Tracing project support.

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